Who the republican Voters of texas pac is Not
Republican Voters of Texas PAC was started by a handful of politically active community members with a DEEP desire to encourage the endorsement and election of particularly local and county Republicans who were and are STRONGLY REPUBLICAN, ACTIVE IN THEIR COMMUNITY, and WELL-QUALIFIED FOR THE OFFICE THAT THEY SEEK. This movement grew quickly to a LARGE Advisory Board established with the desire to encourage candidates of character to run, unified actions within the party, and particularly judges of integrity elected. Character matters to us. We have a Treasurer as required by the FEC, but our Advisory Board members have equal voting weight and opinions when it comes to vetting.

Republican Voters of Texas PAC is NOT associated with the Republican Party of Texas or the Montgomery County Republican Party. We are an independent PAC established under FEC rules and regulations. Like many other PACs within the state of Texas, we identify as Republicans in name, values, and actions. We do have active Advisory Board members who are elected members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (your local elected Precinct Chairs) and many Advisory Board members are active in many Republican clubs and Republican women's clubs across Montgomery County.

This question is always entertaining, because when you stand for COMMON SENSE, the mud starts flying.
We are supposedly DEMOCRAT.
Nope. Just nope. Not Democrats moved in from the West Coast calling themselves Republican.
We are just Republican. Lifetime Republican.
We are supposedly RINOS (Republican in Name ONLY).
While there are probably a few politicians especially federally that might meet that definition, RVTX PAC is not made up of RINOS. We are COMMON SENSE Conservatives. Most of use are lifetime Republicans and the few that might not be lifetime, but longtime Republicans can be compared to coming to Texas - they weren't born that way, but got here as fast as they could. We have so many lifetime Republicans on our Advisory Board that this mud being slung is comical.
Who makes up our Advisory Board?
Well, according to some, evidently a bunch of folks who don't. Folks who don't like us add new unofficial members to our political action committee regularly. We are who we are. Don't believe the stuff you hear.